
Copyright and trademark law

Copyright provides protection for individual, original literary, scientific and artistic works. This protection is automatic, which means that it comes into being on the basis of the law, hence no notification or registration is required for it.

However, the question of how someone else’s work can be used, whether permission is needed to use the work, and in which cases the work is in the public domain is an essential issue. It is also important to address matters concerning royalties, the method of use, scope, territorial rights and duration. Another important point is whether the contract is concluded for a work to be created in the future or for an existing work.

Trademarks provide legal protection by identifying the origin of certain goods and services. Due to their distinctive nature, they give goods and services a particular and different character, thus ensuring that consumers (buyers) can distinguish goods and services bearing a specific trademark from similar goods or services of others.
The trademark affords protection to the person who has registered the symbol in accordance with the procedure prescribed by law.

In the field of copyright and trademark law, our law firm specialises in the following services:

  • Trademark searches, giving opinions on trademarks
  • Representation in proceedings before trademark authorities (e.g. trademark registration procedures)
  • Registering and managing the client’s trademark portfolio
  • Drafting and reviewing software agreements, licence agreements and design contracts
  • Advising on copyright infringements
  • Advising on other copyright matters



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