Our law team

Dr. Nándor Fellegi LL.M.


+36 30 965 6995 nandor.fellegi@mfpartners.hu

Nándor graduated in law from the University of Szeged in 2014. During his university studies, he spent 10 months on an Erasmus scholarship in Germany, where he completed law courses in German and English at the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität in Mainz.

He joined the firm in 2014 as a trainee lawyer, and has been a partner and practising as attorney since December 2018. He is a member of the Budapest Bar Association. In 2021, he qualified as a competition law specialist at the Pázmány Péter Catholic University and, since 2022, has been studying for a Master of Business Administration (MBA) at the Neumann János University.

Nándor has gained significant experience in the devising and due diligence of commercial systems for medium and large companies. He assists clients in civil law, competition law, consumer protection and e-commerce related matters arising in the course of sales on a day-to-day basis.

In addition to the above, for almost a decade he has regularly completed labour law, real estate and construction law assignments and has been involved in corporate law dealing with mergers of large companies.


Language Skills

  • Hungarian – native
  • English – proficient
  • German – intermediate