
Commercial law, e-commerce

One of the firm’s key activities is legal work on product sales and service contract schemes. In view of the rise of electronic commerce, an ever larger part of our commercial legal work involves tasks related to electronic contracting, including the drafting and reviewing of general terms and conditions (GTC) and privacy notices for various online platforms.

Apart from drawing up contracts, GTCs and other related documents, we provide support for our clients in making conceptual and strategic decisions. In related areas of law, such as consumer protection, competition law and data protection, we assist in the development of legal compliance. We take part in business negotiations and, when required, also assist with project management tasks.

We have considerable sectoral experience of the construction industry, having participated in the development of the sales schemes of several Hungarian companies involved in manufacturing building materials.

In the field of commercial law and e-commerce, our law firm specialises in the following services:

  • Drafting and reviewing commercial contract schemes
  • Drafting and reviewing domestic and international contracts for product sales and services
  • Drafting and reviewing agency, distribution and transport contracts
  • Classifying commercial decisions from the points of view of consumer protection, competition and data protection
  • Legal support for the development and regulation of commercial processes
  • Giving opinions on contractual guarantees
  • Drafting and reviewing GTCs for online platforms, electronic contracts and related privacy notices
  • Giving opinions on websites and online stores from aspects of civil law, consumer protection and data protection

Our Experts

Dr. Nándor Fellegi LL.M.

attorney-at-law, managing partner

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